
(click on the titles to view the videos in Youtube)

Final Productions of MABJ

Autism is a condition faced by the children of the present generation world over. This Video by Payal Konglah captures the plight of the autistic children and calls for an understanding and a social response.
Caretakers - by Sanoj Singh - April 2011
A video by Sanoj SIngh bringing to light the reality of nuclear families and the influence of it on child bringing up, questioning the soaring of child care centres... do these really support the proper growth of the child is the question of this movie.
Catalysts - by Anthony Selvaraj - April 2011
Taking a look at the way the students of priviledged classes take chances to share their blessings with less fortunate ones, Selvaraj captures beautifully in this video the social solidarity of the student community.
Front Runners - by Norbert Sharma - April 2011
Norbert Sharma dares to probe into the experiences of media personnel with a view to find out if there is a case for gender bias at all in the field of media.
Goonj - by Elvy Alias - April 2011
Echoes reverberate melodies in life. That's the purpose of this effort by Elvy Alias, wherein she traces the life stories of three women, who found meaning in their life. Sharing this, the reverberations are set in motion for a change in each one's life.
Religion is a realm that has been found to be dominated primarily by men folk. But there is also considerable role of women in this realm. Mary Martina's video production brings to light this truth by capturing the stories of women who have brought meaning to their existence through their religious service.
Are Women Safe in Delhi? - by Gaurav Pandey - April 2011
In a powerful and yet vivid manner, Gaurav Pandey captures the hustle of the city of Delhi, where the dark reality of crime against women is rampant. Capturing the stories of three victims he raises this soul searching question, "Are Women safe in Delhi?"

Fiction Productions of AVC
Mirror of Justice
A story of a man suffering at a later stage in life the fruits of his actions done during his prime young years, causing loss to loved ones and unconquerable guilt for oneself.
We will Live
Instilling in the minds the ever nagging Indian problem of female infanticide, this short story captures the struggles of a young man and his wife in deciding the life of a baby girl.
Faces of Love
Internet is here to stay, rampant in its usage among the youngsters, this short story rings a note a caution as to be aware of the relationship hazards that this new medium could cause.